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June 13, 2023 MLB Baseball Betting Cards details:

No Model changes today.

A few notes on recent trends:

I do want to note that the Oakland game is missing lines at time that I posted this. Most likely a favorable line for Oakland will be pending later today and I will look to add them here as it’s too early for the magical streak to end. *Oakland now added

Cincinnati on the other hand is on the verge of ending their perennial status on the daily card, but that’s because of the famous Dark Knight line, “You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain“.

The problem with this great Cincinnati Renaissance is that soon the lines will be outside the boundaries of the current model’s parameters. The opening line for Cincinnati was +100 on FD, but if it was -101 it would’ve automatically flipped to FD-Contra forcing a bet for Kansas City or be ineligble altogether as MAINs and RUNTS can only be plus odds.

Also Cincinnati has some amazing rookies this year and last night another one, Karcher, got an adventurous Save in his debut and gave this all-time interview to commemorate it.

The model is geared to be in our favor as best as possible with plus odds bets and teams with large edges (or too good to be true edges with CONTRA bets). It uses an Adjustment factor to look at recent team trends as Baseball is a sport of streaks and sequences. You can get a hit, but it only counts as a run if the proper sequencing occurs with other hits or is a Homerun by itself.

The model identifies teams that get the gears turning by adjusting their WP% upwards based on recent performance. This is how it was able to jump on the Oakland and Cincinnati train once these teams started to get a taste of winning,

Soon some different teams will trek up the hot streak railway and we’ll hop on that train once it shows up, but for now this one is being led by both Cincinnati and Oakland.

*Pending Results:

*See Glossary for details to help explain terms and other recent model changes.



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