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August 28, 2023 MLB Baseball Betting Cards details:

No Model changes today.

Yesterday proved to be another loser. Saved by The Guardians who somehow found a way to win yesterday despite being in so many down spots throughout the game.

The grind at the new level of 4 units was on life support, but it still gets a go. If the bankroll drops under 120 units I’m going to have to reset to a lower level. Perhaps the 3rd day of 4 units is the charm.

Unit Size:

  • The current bet size will now be reset to 4 units with a churn level at 32.3 games.

Today’s card:

Last checked @ 6 PM

  • CWS +220 was a STRETCH bet, but to be honest I was placing it no matter what as it was at 9.98% eROI. But the card needed a STRETCH bet as there were only 3 qualifying games above 10% eROI.


  • RR placed for 4 games,
    • 2 units
    • 6 combinations of 2
    • 0.333 units per combination



    • RR total profit = -2.00 Units

Total Daily Results: -18.00 units

*See Glossary for details to help explain terms and other recent model changes.



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