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  • Wednesday April 26th’s MLB Betting Card features 8 games for a total of 25 units bet with a max payout of 46.23 units.

  • Yesterday’s 4/25/23 Card was a brutal day with a loss of -20.02 Units on a 3-8 record.
    • A walk off 2 run HR by the Giants salvaged 7.81 units at the end of the night

After the shellacking that I was given early in yesterday’s card I had plenty of time to review the model and identify any leaks responsible for the damage. I made a few changes to the Model as a result. See under today’s card the changes that were made.

*Final Results

Glossary of terms:

  • WP% = Win Probability %
    • This is the key to my model, I source these typically from Fangraphs as they do a pretty accurate job based on backtesting of past data. I also add my own adjustments to make them more accurate. The data as a whole is accurate, but at a team level it has some variation. My adjustment adds or subtracts to the WP based on winning records of teams playing.
  • ML Odds = The Moneyline odds that the sportsbook is offering for the bet
  • BE ML = Breakeven Moneyline
    • This is a calculation to convert the Moneyline into a percentage format to highlight how often the bet would have to win to show a breakeven in money won/loss on a bet with the given odds.
  • eROI = expected Return on Investment
    • This is the expected Return on Investment a bet would return overtime if we were able to consistently place a similar bet. The formula is WP/BE ML.
    • For example a bet with an eROI of 10% would be expected to show a net profit of 10% over the true odds. If a bet had a WP = 50%, meaning it would win half the time, we would expect to show a profit of 10% on our bets if we won 5 and lost 5.
  • Base and Edge = are terms I’m using to determine the appropriate unit amount to bet
    • Base = (WP%-40%)/5%. It is rounded down to each whole interval so that only bets with WP 45% or greater will be eligible for a bet.
    • Edge= awards a bonus unit if eROI/10% > 1

Model 4.2:

Risk management was the key change desired in the model update today. One of the early contributors to yesterday’s losses was a 6 unit play on the NYM that I was originally on the fence about playing due to unknown pitcher starter. In addition there was the 4 unit Oakland play still pending at the end of the night that I knew had a low chance at hitting due to its 48% WP.

  • I changed the model to reduce the number of large unit plays by only limiting an award of 1 unit per edge over 10%, previously it was 1 every 5% difference between ML BE and WP . I also adjusted the Base Units calculation to not add an extra unit when an edge was over 5% between ML BE and WP on a bet. These unit additions were making plays with larger edges too risky as bet sizes were often reaching the 6-8 unit range each day. That is too large of a variation from the base unit of 1.

  • One last change that will hopefully improve the accuracy of the WP% was that I changed my WP% adjustment from being a full season record Win/Loss ranking review for a team, but instead only looking at last 14 days of performance.

  • In almost every sport there is a large correlation between recent form and forward performance. Some teams start out cold and then catch on fire and possibly fall back down. 14 days seems a reasonable amount of time to account for enough variance in what may have been a tough series matchup or two and not penalize a team for a weak slump to start the season.

Here’s to hoping that 4/25/23 remains the worst day of the season and these changes allow us to mitigate risk and continue to churn out strong profitable days going forward.

6 Replies to “April 26th, 2023 – MLB Daily Betting Card”

  1. Have been following you on Reddit, and checked out your site for the first time yesterday! Of course, it ended up being the worst day you’ve had lol, but I’ve loved your picks in the POTD thread and love your site and how you break everything down! Thank you and I will keep following.

    1. Thank you for the support. The card yesterday was horrendous and the timing was terrible as I started putting some work recently into getting the site here going. Onward and upward!

  2. Same with me. Decided to follow yesterday for the first time, so I am partly to blame. Appreciate your picks. I’m going with you again today.

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