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Monday April 24th’s card features 7 games for a total of 29 units bet to win a max payout of 52.60.

Yesterday’s 4/23/23 Card ended with a small profit of +1.49 Units with a 6-7 record.

The full season 2023 MLB Betting Results is now up to a Net Profit of +59.63 Units with a 9.9% ROI.

*Final Results: 29.0 units bet | Net profit +5.62 Units | 19.4% ROI

A tough loss by the Texas Rangers who blew it bad in the 8th inning. I’m sure most of you visiting this site came over from the POTD forum on Reddit and this one crashed the 10 game win streak I had going on there. Alas, the volume of the full daily card here made up for it with a very nice total profit on the day. Let’s keep it rolling tomorrow!

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